"Brevity is the soul of wit." - Shakespeare

              I agree with ol' Bill, which is why all my poems are short. Enjoy the 50 shared below and let me                                        know if you have a favorite, replying to: tjfobbe@gmail.com. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

                                                                                                                                       - Thomas Fobbe (St. Paul, MN)

Blue jeans aren’t so special                    Here's the plan, quite simple:
unless front pantlegs torn.                       don't spend more than you make.
We extra pay                                                 Just don't exceed
to buy that way...                                          and you'll succeed.
a look despaired, forlorn.                          Be smart, for goodness sake!

Kerosene and candles                              News should never shock us.     
before light bulb was born.                      Don't ever be surprised.             
Two methods which                                    Some brains are broke                           we're glad to ditch                                      and can provoke              
and will not miss or mourn.                      acts dumb, uncivilized.   

Residential stop signs                               Is there something better
are oft ignored, it's true.                            than basic donut, glazed?
Pick intersect,                                                Each splendid bite
wait, watch, expect:                                    a sheer delight,
cars slow, then race on through.           delicious baked or raised.

Some just have to have it,                        Dimes once had some value.
and cannot live without.                            A quarter meant a lot.
They crave caffeine                                    Now any change
from coffee bean,                                        we treat like mange,
their love for it devout.                                a nuisance, afterthought.

Everybody has one,                                    Toddlers, young children
a handheld phone device,                       supply the greatest laughs.
which does produce                                   The things they say
addictive use                                                 throughout each day
when things on it entice.                           are precious, and their gaffes.

Hate to see thick booger                          Sofa, eyelids heavy,
beneath the nose of tot.                            couch pillow 'neath your head.
Kerchief hand held                                      No fighting it,
I am compelled                                             you nap commit.
to scoop up that kid's snot.                     Sleep better than your bed.

When you see tornado                             Those with too much money
please do not stop and stare.                will donate some, for sure.
Be safe space bound,                               Just wish that corps
best underground.                                      did even more,
Just get away from there!                        enough to cause a stir.

Rocks are great for throwing                  Home cannot be perfect
at targets like a can,                                   without surrounding trees.
or skipping cross,                                         There's beauty made,
with sideways toss,                                      along with shade,
a glassy water span.                                   by simply having these.

Kids are so darn precious.                       Thank God for potatoes.
The greatest thing we've got.                  They're versatile and cheap.
We must invest                                              French fried and hashed,
our very best                                                   baked, roasted, mashed,
to give them each a shot.                          few dollars for small heap.

Hurricanes, tornadoes...                             History can help us
as bad as weather gets.                            more clearly understand
It's best you're far                                          just how we got
from where those are,                                 to current spot,
else maybe lose assets.                             predicted or unplanned.

Seems we all love pizza,                             Glassy-eyed and goofy,
a favorite takeout food.                               a living anecdote.
Just need to know                                         They make us laugh
the right combo                                              without a gaffe.
of toppings to include.                                 Who doesn't love a goat.

School is so important.                                Grown up gift exchanging,
It's crucial that we learn                              an obligation trap.
the things that will                                          Can we just stop
help us fulfill                                                      this spendy swap,
a decent life, and earn.                                and need to buy more crap.

Healthy mind and body.                              Chilly northern winters,
Good job and free of debt.                         or southern summer heat?
A place to live.                                                  Have "up nort" roots:
Some love to give...                                        coat, hat, gloves, boots;
No reason then to fret.                                 "Down sout": to shade retreat.

Those who grow up wealthy                     Traffic flowing freely.
or upper middle class...                                You're moving right along.
grocery bill                                                         What's left unsaid:
don't make them ill,                                        three miles ahead,
nor does the price of gas.                            congested, halted throng.

Endzone celebrations                                   Christmas card pic montage.
have gotten out of hand...                            Some fams just love to send.
rehearsed routines,                                        Assorted mix
enacted scenes,                                              of photos, six,
some stuff that should be banned.         too small to comprehend.

Lovely landscape painting,                         Best we pay attention
the critics find "OK".                                         to all things in our fridge,
An abstract work,                                            so we don't find
brush strokes berserk,                                   one-of-a-kind
they cheer "hip hip hooray!"                        fruit? ripe beyond a smidge.

Trendy five-course tidbits                            Those with little money
exquisitely displayed.                                     should not seek jewelry.
No tummies filled,                                            Buy food, not bling.
but most are thrilled                                       You're not a king.
by what some top chefs made.       
          Gems, chains are foolery.

Many have fave burger                                 Nothing more amazing
at place that best presents                         than tiny, simple seed.
ground beef 'tween buns,                            From pinhead small
with opt: onions,                                                grow things that sprawl,
cheese, pickles, condiments.                      and at amazing speed.
Barefoot, full force, couch leg.                   Nighttime is most awesome.
Collision unforeseen.                                      So nice when long day's done.
Okay to yell.                                                        Things quiet down
It hurts like hell.                                                  all over town,
Pain 1-to-10, 15.                                               relief from glaring sun.

Fashion can be costly                                   Walk! It's good to do so.
if buying upscale clothes.                            a mile or two each day.
You better make                                              Get off your ass.
big bucks, don't fake                                      Reduce your mass.
what credit will expose.                                 Feel better right away.

Pregame tailgate party.                               Best not fame with fortune
"Support-the-team" attired.                        to most enjoy one's wealth.
Game: stand and cheer,                              Can do your thing 
drink pricey beer.                                             with extra zing
Team lost: the refs conspired.                    unknown, no need for stealth.

Lottery, it's simple.                                           Bikers who are willing
Hand clerk your hard earned cash,         to bike alongside cars,
for chance near nil                                           hope drivers steer
that someone will                                             without a veer,
claim once-in-lifetime stash.                       else bang! o'er handlebars.

Chance you eat too much is                       Sitting at a stoplight,
increased if at buffet.                                     adjacent car heard, felt.
Good reason why                                             Loud thumping bass
you should just try                                            invades your space.
to simply stay away.                                        How do their ears not melt?

Fresh baked bread, and bacon.                If you moved a sidewalk
First coffee of the day.                                   straight up five hundred feet,
A just cut lawn.                                                  though plenty wide
Fresh air at dawn.                                            your normal stride
Thick lilac bush bouquet.                              would change to more petite.

Nothing more amazing                                 Christmas: multi-colored,
than all great magic tricks,                          or simple, classy white?
each one designed                                         Let children choose
to blow your mind                                            which lights to use,
and totally transfix.                                          cuz color is what's right.


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